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What does a ‘healthy diet’ mean?

Our bodies require energy to maintain life and health, to grow and repair and to develop from childhood to adulthood. This is achieved through the food we eat and fluid we drink (diet).

Our understanding of nutrition and the impact it has on our bodies has improved over the years due to wealth of research and scientific studies. Healthy eating/diet is the consumption of food that allows our bodies to function properly.

In order to promote and maintain health your diet must contain sufficient amounts of all the essential nutrients which are: MACRONUTRIENTS (used in the body for energy, structure and function): - Carbohydrates -Protein -Fat

MICRONUTRENTS (are essential to ‘unlock’ the energy within the macronutrients):

-Vitamins -Minerals

FIBRE (needed to ensure efficient digestion & absorption of other key nutrients)

WATER (does not provide us with energy however, is essential for survival)


To start with, you should always base your meals around your workouts as before and after meals are the most important meals. The rest you can fit in somewhere through the day. Every individual is unique and to find out what you need, when you need it and how much, you need to go through quite a few calculations.

However, if you are just a beginner and used to 2/3 meals per day the best way to start is to increase your meals to 6 per day, and eat them every 3/2 ½ hours.

Sounds scary? You may be wondering how your fat can be lost when you are eating more? It’s all under control. All we are focusing on is eating fewer calories than we burn, when that happens you will automatically lose fat. However, the calories have to come from healthy and balanced meals and snacks.


You need carbohydrates, they provide your body with energy. Carbohydrates are a macronutrient therefore your body requires them in large amounts daily to maintain healthy function.

The best thing to do is find out which body type you have and how much macronutrients your body type requires.

Next, concentrate on unrefined, low GI carbohydrates. Unrefined carbs contain vitamins and minerals, high levels of dietary fibre and are great antioxidants. Low GI carbs cause a smaller rise in blood sugar level, control appetite, delay hunger and do not promote fat storage caused by a high insulin response.


If you have not had enough low GI carbohydrates throughout the day you are more likely to have sugar cravings. It is essential to have some low GI carbs with each meal, especially when exercising. This will help your glucose levels to be balanced and therefore sugar cravings will be managed!


  • You are what you eat!

  • Quit sugar!

  • No crisps!

  • No fast food!

  • Concentrate on proteins, grains and vegetables with fruit!

  • Try smoothies!

  • Have your last meal/ snack 3 hours before sleep.

  • Have 3 meals and 2/3 snacks a day.

  • Make breakfast your biggest meal of the day, and decrease the portion sizes throughout the day.

Thank you and hope you learned something new today!!! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask! I am here to help!

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