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In order to know where to start, it is crucial that you know where you are. Not just literally, although it is a good starting point to just look around. Where are you sitting? What do you see? How does your current position in life make you feel? What emotions do you receive daily? Are they good or bad? Once you START looking around you may think you are not exactly where you wish to be. Or it may be completely opposite! You may be grateful for where you are and what you have. There is a third OPTION (as always), you may appreciate what you have and where you are however, you would like more. More opportunities, more ideas, more courage perhaps? If you want change, I suggest you start with your current position and evaluation. WHAT IS IT that you have now and you want to change? Grab a piece of paper. I will give you some questions to get you thinking. 1) Where was you FINANCIALLY, physiologically & mentally) about a year ago ? 2) Where are you now (financially, physiologically & mentally) ? Are you receiving the same INCOME/ less/ more. Is your body in better shape/ put on weight/ stayed the same? Do you have any ideas/ more knowledge/ facts? 3) Did you improve throughout these years, became worse, or are you in the same position? What I need you to do is evaluate now. Analyse. Don't go back. Always go forward. Now, ask yourself if you want a change? The answer may be 'No' because your comfortable.. Now ask yourself do you 'NEED' change? In order to maybe become happier, more confident, to have more freedom ? The starting point for everyone is the thought of change. The idea that something is wrong or will go wrong if you do not start changing. Most often than not, change is associated with painful feelings, the idea of losing everything. At that particular moment an individual is threatened and stuck. He has no other choice but to change. Please do not wait until last minute. Start earlier, while you can. This will be so much easier. Imagine a car. If you buy a car AND INVEST in it through out the years little by little, making it stronger, looking after the engine, your brakes, lights, fuel. It will drive you for miles without any problems because you invested in that car. However, if you buy a CAR and just drive it without any consideration of the engine, and how it may be getting out of order. Eventually the car will break. Exactly the same applies to YOUR body, brain and soul. If you do not take care of it. Eventually it will crush and you will have a huge mess to take care of. The best thing to do is to START now! Write your goals, priorities and values. Analyse your present and think about future. Make sure you have something to work harder everyday. This way you will grow, and the change will be spectacular! PEACE!

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